
3-D paintings on the ceiling. And you thought 3-D was a new thing? ok look carefully at the people in between the pillars you can see how the paintings were made to look like they're jumping out to you.

Jacques Louis David. Napoleon theatrically crowning himself. At first I thought it looked like he was crowning the lady, but he is making a big show and then putting the crown on himself. He even has religious leaders present cuz that was big then.

Jacques-Louis David portrait of Madame Juliette Récamier. The model apparently disliked the painting cuz she didn't like her feet exposed which offended the artist. So, the painting is unfinished was never sold until his death.

The portrait of Madame Juliette Récamier in the background.

The Marriage at Cana. HUGE (size)! Featuring the Venetian merchants and the happy married couple on the bottom left, Jesus in the middle, and the pouring water into wine, bottom right. The painting is by Paolo Caliari, it is known as Veronese.
The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is said to be the most beautiful painting in the world because of its soft blended colors of her skin. At least thats what I remembered in that college course. I was surprised how many photographs were being taken of her. To me, she was by far the most busiest feature of the louvre. And boy, was she a tiny little thing behind a thick bullet proof glass.
No one was allowed near it and she had 3 guards guarding her.

Sitting so peacefully among chaos.

The seated statue of Gudea, prince of Lagash. NeoSumerian, Mesopotamia. There were about 20 Gudea sculptures that made it to museums.
The Law Codex of Hammurabi King of Babylon is one of the oldest laws found. There are 282 laws, each law is usually no more than a sentence or two which includes Hammurabi introducing himself.

Random sculptures: a Hermaphrodite

a sexy Warthog

Oscar the Grouch's ancestor j/k!

Michelangelo's Dying Slaves... their dying and I'm smiling.
Venus de Milo close up. She was almost as popular as the Mona Lisa.

check out her abs

Psyche and Cupid. A myth about a young god and a mortal female falling in love. And all the Romeo and Juliet problems inbetween.
Psyche and Cupid close up.
Winged Victory of Samathrace. Hellenistic.

The Winged Victory's attire is water-worn as if she was in a wet-tee shirt contest.

Winged Bulls of Assyrian King Sargon II use to guard the throne room.

hero Gilgamesh crushing a lion

Tuileries Le Baiser de Rodin. Pucker up, muah!