Most of the time the people we meet are related to the friends we are with. Tell me thats not a little weird... How do they have babies if everyone is related?
Another thing is my Mom. She goes shopping and tells people that I speak Chuukese. THEN she puts them on the phone and tells them to talk to me!!! What to do? What to do?
Well one time it was a happy phone call because the guy wanted to learn the Bible in Chuukese. So a few days later we went to look for him in a some-what sketchy place. We were about to give up until someone in the car saw him sitting behind a gate. She knew him from Chuuk. So yeah they all seem to know each other or are related.

We go all over the island, side to side, up and down... whichever way.

In some areas, we practically go door-to-door and all in a row is a Chuukese families. Click to see.

This is Pua.

These girls came up to our car to see what Pua and I were doing. They wrote my name and Gary's.

We had a lot of fun together.

The Chuukese translators.

Here's a little secret. I have cheat notes. What is really funny is that sometimes I read it right in front of them and they don't even notice.

This one time I got so busted by this older Chuukese lady, so I just showed it to her. And you know what she did? She actually read it back to me! That was funny. At least she knows what I wanted to say to her.
The branch.

This was on display for the International Convention.

Common phrases.

bags and shades.
Gary and I
Marshallese and Chuukese live together in perfect harmony side by side on my piano keyboard oh lord why don't weeeeeee.
District convention