I love our class, we have such a good rapport with one another and right from the start the instructor was humorous to keep us from stressing out. During break time we are always loaded with questions or thoughts.

There are a lot of techniques for teaching and here was one of them. Balloons!

For example, when trying to memorize something like, lets say, counting in your new language, just blow up a balloon or use a scarf and throw it up in the air. By the time it lands on your elbow, arm or hand whichever you choose, you must say the translated word out loud. The brain retains the information much quicker when it is physically, mentally and verbally challenged. Plus it was a lot of fun!

Here is Ofelia, Helen and Yumi, our native "Chon Chuuk" translators. They help us a lot with pronunciation.

Here is Gideon, our baby student of the group. He is 10 months old, at the moment we are at the same rate in our language learning as him. By the time he is talking, we should or could be at the same level in our Chuukese language. Hahaha but I can only hope...

After the first day of class, we went to the beach to relax our brains and catch some fish.

Gary and I with Diamond Head in the back ground and a pole sticking out of Gary's brain.

Hermalyn, Sunem, Debbie, Sarai and Joanne

Yumi said, Chon Chuuks love to braid each other's hair. The girls did a really good job!

And they love gold teeth, which you probably know already. What is funny is that on the contrary, Chon Chuuks generally have nice teeth, but they choose to have gold teeth for the style of it. Isn't that interesting.