Help yourself to some hot pressed melted goodness!

First you need to chose your bread. Try my favorite Japanese square white bread or Boudin's famous sourdough or just do a good old fashion French bread.
Last time we fed the c/o we did a mini taco bar. This time we didn't know what to do. So we decided to do a panini bar since we had a lot of meat in the freezer, incl smoked meat from the Big island.
We invited all those who were out that day.

we had some paninis already made for the mamas, and for the adventurous ones we had a line up of choices such as meatball marinara, grilled sausages, fried smoked pipikaula with onions, ham, spinach and different varieties of cheese.

Since our whole field service group was there, the c/o conducted the afternoon group in our house. It was an awesome privilege.

Next time lets try a sushi bar!
Skies the limit!!!
hai, ja ne. Mata tabemasho!!!