AnaLisa's black lit bedroom
She was giving her artwork away to her good friends. This one glows in the dark... some of Kelly's gifts did too.
Kelly gets ready for a night on the town!
Waikiki here we come!
Hey guys my best friend's getting maaaaaaaried!
Lets join the street musicians. Ba-la-ba-la-ba-la-labamba
Hey you got a fan!
making friends everywhere we went
We stationed ourselves near this girl selling bracelets. She gave us $5! And bracelets!
It only takes her about a minute! Talented girl.
China's having a good time
The two bride's maids
Bonnie on drums
Ana, Bonnie, Priscilla, Kelly, China, Bobbie & Tania
Tania and Kelly show off the earnings
Kelly and Bobbie counts the money. Twenty-something. Kelly decides to get ice cream and shares it. The rest goes to her marriage fund or fun LOL!